Thursday, March 05, 2009


Day 9

I'm preparing to preach from the book of Ruth on Sunday. I have never preached directly from the book of Ruth and I have only mentioned Ruth in passing. Yet the story of Ruth is a profound story for so many reasons! Of all of the many themes in Ruth, I am moved by how God often uses the unlikeliest of ways to convey a message. It's striking that in Ruth, a Non Jew (Ruth) emerges as the hero of the story and she displays an integrity that hadn't been displayed by the average Israelite. She displays the message of God's goodness and faithfulness.

God is always speaking, are we always listening? Or are we not listening because its not coming from the right sources? During this season, I feel called to put up the extra antennas of my heart and try to pick up the signals from God and not to dismiss the message, when it transmits from an unlikely source. Or something like that!

Tonight's Menu: Kristy's Birthday Dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse

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