Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Return!

You see, I figured that if I wait so long between posts, it makes any new post that much more exciting. My long awaited return to the Blogosphere makes for compelling news. Already, the news of my return will make waves among my family and friends. So this pause between posts was contrived and planned. I did it on purpose... Naw! I'm just Lazy!

So much has happened since my last post. A new year has emerged. Like many I have made resolutions about weight loss, more prayer, more this and that, and less this and that! But here are some highlights in my life.
  1. I'm preaching through the gospel of John. At the beginning of each year, I decided to preach through an entire book while encouraging the body to read through the book on a daily basis. Several are participating in this journey while several are not participating. It all illuminates an ill in our churches... we don't read scripture like we used to. Maybe we know it all and it seems so redundant. Maybe it's boring and mundane. I have been re energized reading John because the gospel of John is about life! I love reading an re-reading the emphasis that Jesus put on LIFE!
  2. I'm participating in a Crown Financial Small Group. This was a stretch for me because I hate talking about and I hate dealing with money and my money problems. I must admit that my heart has been challenged to the core. Kristy and I have mapped out a plan to be completely debt free in 7-8 years. It might take less time than that if we stay dedicated and focused. I have been overcome with a sense of urgency to address our money issues because in many ways, our money issues have provided much resistance to our goals in life, family and ministry.
  3. My girls are growing up. Kaitlynd and Kyra continue to amaze me. I thank God for these incredible gifts. They are so funny and so talented. I am proud to announce that my girls know every word to both High School Musicals and Hairspray!
  4. I am continuing to grow more in love with my wife. Some would say I'm reporting on this to get brownie points from my wife... True! But in addition, I have been reminded over and over that I just love this woman. That's my boo! She completes me! DIDO! She's my air! She's everything in the world to me! She's the sunshine in my life! She's still the one! She's always on my mind! She's so beautiful! And Nothing Compares To her!

Stay Tuned for tomorrow's post (stop laughing)!


Tonight's menu: Homemade Chicken Soup!


Jenny Lewelling said...

So, I think that I feel faint. Can it be that you posted on here?
Did you say "Dido" near the end of your blog? Is that what you said to the waitress? Alpha! Beta!

Anonymous said...

You said you were going to post again the next day - I am still waiting (I know, I need to get a life). What was that we were learning about honesty in our Monday Night Financial Group? :-)

Anonymous said...

still waiting..........

Anonymous said...

dont start something u arent going to see thru